Cast & Bullion Differences
The Difference Between
Casting & bullion standard

We occasionally get asked about the original mint casted coins and the difference between modern minted coins.
As a collector or an investor, it is important to understand the difference between precious metal products. In general, casted coins and bars are not manufactured to be perfect in appearance like "bullion" or "proof" coins. This is largely due to the small margins involved in contrast to the higher premiums commanded by proof coins.
Casted coins and bars are valued by their mass (weight) and purity and have very little to no numismatic value. They are not sold for their beauty like a bullion standard or proof coin, but rather for their precious metal content. However, in some cases, casted coins due to their lineage, age, rarity, history and minted era are sold at huge premiums. These are classic original dinar or dirham coins.
- Matte Finish
- Single Struck
- Intended To Be Touched And Handled
- Scratches Don't Affect The Value
- Not Easy To Scratch Them
- Stackable
- No Fixed Yearly Mintage
- 180 Serrations
- Rounded At The Edge
- Universal Bullion Price
- Attracts Capital Gains Tax
- Heritage Coins don't apply to some of the points above, if the coin has a historic traceability and is a rare casted coin - it will sell incredibly well.
A Bullion or Proof Coin / Bar is manufactured through a complex process that involves using hefty machinery. It starts with cutting down a long-processed strip of metal using a continuous casting machine. The metal is then melted and rolled into a precise and uniform thickness. The rolled bar is then punched with a die, acid-washed, polished and pressed in a similar fashion to a coin, which creates a more “perfect” appearance. This makes each bar consistent and almost identical in aesthetics.
- Mirror-Like Frosted Finish
- Double Struck
- Not Intended To Be Touched By Hand
- Scratches Will Affect The Value
- Easy To Damage The Coins
- Not Stackable
- Yearly Limited Mintage
- 220 Serrations
- Very Sharp Sides
- Added Numismatic Value
- Does Not Attract Capital Gains Tax
- High Quality Coin